
One of the biggest obstacles to higher adoption rates of decentralized services stemming from the Blockchain network is bandwidth limitations and traffic congestion, which severely slows down computation and transaction speeds. This white paper will explain how the off-chain calculations offered by CEZO through the Linux system stands to solve many of Blockchain’s major issues, improve computation speeds, security, and the effectiveness of Smart Contracts.



As of now, there are significant hurdles with regard to scalability as it pertains to dApps. With the biggest concerns being security and decentralization, many platforms and developers struggle with widespread adoption. This applies to many areas, but most specifically in trading, financial transactions, and gaming. The problem becomes even more prominent during periods of high congestion, thus slowing transfers of data or token access even more.


This issue of slow processing speeds is currently considered one of the biggest obstacles to wider adoption of Blockchain, as a whole. Without the promise of faster computation that is provided by traditional online transactions, too many industries and sectors are hesitant to completely rely on decentralization.


In order to improve the scalability of Blockchain and its offshoot technologies such as dApps, cryptocurrencies, crypto trading, and others, this matter must be addressed. This is where our CEZO comes in by providing off-chain computation that is meant to significantly improve calculation and processing speeds, which will also address the problem of congestion during peak traffic periods.


A prominent example of dApps is Bitcoin in that it is operated via a peer-to-peer (P2P) network known as blockchain instead of a single server or computer. This makes it available to those with the necessary tokens instead of being locked away in an exclusive server by a single entity like a company or an individual. This puts it in direct contrast with apps like Uber or iTunes, which are directly controlled by their respective corporate owners.



Decentralized applications are open-source platforms that operate autonomously with complete transparency and with no one single individual or special interest controlling the token contracts. Any changes, improvements, or shifts in use are agreed upon by the majority and all relevant data is stored in a decentralized blockchain network that is accessible to the public. Cryptographic tokens are the sole method of access, which are generated via cryptographic algorithms that represent contributing nodes that support the application.



Due to the nature of dApps, value is often dependent on the users with a few exceptions such as so-called Stablecoins. Treated as digital currency, Stablecoins are attached value in accordance with specific fiat currency. That is to say, if a particular Stablecoin is said to only be worth $1.00 USD per coin, this value will not change. In contrast, Bitcoin is worth as much as the market dictates, thus making it significantly more volatile


Both types have their place in different markets, with one providing more stability while the other allows for fluctuating purchase power. In the case of Stablecoins, it is generally used to facilitate transactions in more traditional or corporate sectors for establishing more reliable trades.


Compared to cryptocurrency, stablecoins are more abundant, can be provided on demand, and are considered less risky than its more volatile counterpart. The exchange rate is also dictated by the fiat market rather than the crypto market. As such, although there is a certain level of fluctuation involved, there is very little risk of a sudden plunge in value


Smart Contracts

Smart contracts have been theorized for decades and was introduced in the mainstream in 1994 by Nick Szabo. However, it was not until the Ethereum blockchain was launched in 2015 that the idea became more widely recognized and used. The idea behind smart contracts is to create programs that would have their own executable codes and would have their own storage of variables that control access in the form of tokens.

Each smart contract comes with its own lines of scripts that are inalienable. Either the factors lineup with the pre-set parameters or they don’t. This ensures that there will be a trustless continuum between all parties involved. However, a major challenge in the use and operation of smart contracts is processing power, which can slow transactions considerably. By taking the computation off-chain without completely breaking off the main block, it is possible to speed up data transfers, storage, and processing for dApps and other Blockchain-related tasks substantially.

CEZO is specifically intended to provide off-chain computation for smart contracts and other dApp development functions or features. It does this via a Linux-based system that operates via a RISC-V architecture. This allows our dApp to be used in a wide variety of different ventures such as for clients who want to outsource computation or data storage, for market predictions, or even mining pools for cryptocurrency, as well as venture funds with decentralization.

Based on the Ethereum blockchain platform, CEZO allows for proven smart contract security and efficiency, even with off-chain computation and storage. When compared to the smart contracts that are done under the direct purview of the Ethereum network, what CEZO can be categorized as is as a subroutine. This makes the gas Limit issue that is related to Ethereum less of a problem, thereby effectively increasing the number of processes that can be done under the Ethereum network.


Advanced operating system for the development of decentralized applications.
Resource intensive calculations can be processed off-chain.
CEZO is an advanced DApps operating system utilizing Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and Big Data.
Easy to integrate, automated verifications and efficient OS.

Mining rewards:36%
Public sale:15%
Reserve Fund:8%
Private sale:10%
Bounty and events:6%

SMART CONTRACT: 0xFEbc25f4c5fc3E90a7eFaE0b4d436A77c9e131B3
TOTAL SUPPLY: 9,900,000,000 CEZ




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